My Oily Journey

So I started using essential oils exactly 2 years ago when another mum contacted me on my Irish Mammy group. Winter had been at the hospital at least twice a month and so she messaged me asking for me to try essential oils. As a mum desperate for anything (including what I thought to beContinueContinue reading “My Oily Journey”

Cupcakes And Crafting

I attended a free workshop in Perth, yes that is right I said FREE workshop at Enex100 and hosted by the very stylish and charming radio presenter and creator of Simone Heng. The task at hand was to recreate the famous tassel earrings that Natalie Portman was seen wearing. While the glue dried we got toContinueContinue reading “Cupcakes And Crafting”

Identity Crisis

Oh my goodness I am going to be 35 in January  and I look ridiculous in 90% of my wardrobe. Nobody warned me about this? I thought it was all about looking fabulous over 40? What about mid thirties? What do we do? I hope tomorrow Topshop has the answers and somewhere amongst all theContinueContinue reading “Identity Crisis”

Brow Down To Renee Zellweger

Today I woke up and my Facebook homepage is full of criticism of Renee Zellweger. People genuinely shocked that she looked so different. Really? You think in Hollywood they have the fountain of youth? I think yes there has been a bit of work but I also think that she in fact has possibly dareContinueContinue reading “Brow Down To Renee Zellweger”

Not Your Average IPhone Case

I came across Louise Androlia on Facebook and fell in love with this IPhone case, actually I love all the cases. I want Weirdo Forever for my next one! This case reminds me everyday to not try and control every aspect of my life and live in the moment. After suffering with anxiety for theContinueContinue reading “Not Your Average IPhone Case”

Milk No Sugar

Jasmine Rocca is 23 years old with 2 children and the owner of Breastmilk Jewellery. Jasmine explains that the jewellery has really appealed to the natural parenting community and the mums who really value the gift of breastfeeding. “A huge supporter of breastfeeding. It is such an amazing gift and we are so lucky inContinueContinue reading “Milk No Sugar”